This is my first picture of The Orion Nebula - M42, taken by myself and Doug Elick at Hueston Woods this past evening.
The sky conditions were not the best. There were a few clouds around at times and the atmosphere was a little turbulent. We used Doug's camera at about a 15 second exposure to capture this image. The Orion Nebula is probably the easiest nebula to find in the night sky. If you look below the 3 belt stars of the Constellation Orion(depending on it's position in the sky), you should be able to see the faint glow of the nebula on a clear night. I am able to see it from my backyard with less than idea conditions on most clear nights. The nebula is classified as a magnitude 4.00 object making it extremely bright as nebula go.
Over all I am very happy with this picture and hope to snap another when the sky conditions are much more clear. Since the Constellation of Orion is a winter constellation, there should be plenty of crisp, cool, turbulent free nights coming.
Look it's dancing! Nice pic anyway.